There are number of different types of pig breeds, however there are several that are more suited for an outdoor environment. The type of pig you decide to purchase should be based on a number of things such as housing types feed source and fencing, as some pigs are more difficult to keep in than others.
Small and docile
True pasture pigs
Colours range from black and white, to ginger, cream, gold- tip, black, brown, tri-coloured, or any combination of the above.
Average to large in size
Upright ears
Good disposition
Black with white points (legs, face and tail) and pink skin.
Thick and coarse hair (moult in summer)
Hardy outside
Work well on pasture
Red to ginger colour
Medium to large size
Grow relatively fast
Good disposition
Hardy – Suited for outdoor and indoor systems
Red-brown and white colouration
Medium to large size
Good temperament
Suited for outdoor and indoor systems
Good growth
Black body, with a white band around the middle, covering the front legs.
Red Wattle
Medium to large size
Grow relatively fast
Good temperament
Hardy – Work well on pasture
Red-brown colouration
Mangalitsa/ Mangalica
Thick and curly hair
Hardy outside
Work well on pasture
Medium to large size
Colours range from blond, to red-brown, to a combination of black and blond.