Welcome to smallscalepigfarming.com. A resource dedicated to providing Canadian small-scale pig farmers the most relevant resources needed to be successful in raising pigs outdoors. Whether you are looking for information on how to feed and water your pigs, build fences, construct shelters, and identify illness you can find it here. If you are new to pigs check out the Top 10 Starter’s Guide on Raising Pigs.
Information on this site developed for the small-scale pig farmers is the result of a collaborative effort that included small-scale pig producers from across Canada, veterinarians and Prairie Swine Centre. We hope you will find this to be a useful resource and share the information with others who are actively engaged in small-scale pig farming. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at outdoorpigfarming@gmail.com
Prairie Swine Centre designed and maintains this site, and funding for this project has been provided through the AgriAssurance Program under the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative. (Ce projet est financé sous le programme Agri-assurance du Partenariat canadien pour l’agriculture, une initiative fédérale-provinciale territoriale.)